News Article

Fire hose reel test procedures

05 - 02 - 2022

Fire Hose Reel Testing Procedures

What is involved in Fire Hose Reel Testing?

Fire hose reels require regular visual examination by a competent person. Also an annual flow rate test and a pressure test are required. The fire hose must be pressure tested every five years. The test details should be recorded on a service label attached to the reel.

In the UK fire hose reel testing procedures are governed by BS-EN-671/3.

Our Fire Hose Reel Testing Procedures

Fire Hose Reels Direct are member of a group of companies that specialise in testing, maintenance and installation of fire safety equipment. We are experts in this field with an excellent reputation for high quality service and value. We have the know how, the training and the equipment to thoroughly test fire hose reels efficiently and with minimum disruption. As a building manager you can be confident that you have met both your legal and moral obligations for maintaining this vital safety equipment to the highest standards.

Our fire hose reel testing procedures are customised to meet the requirements of your individual installation and in line with the building’s fire risk assessment. As a general guide our hose reel testing includes the following:

  • Full inspection of hose, valves, re-wind, nozzles – The integrity of the drum gland nuts and internal operating valve is checked.
  • Hose checks – hose reels are fully unwound and the condition of the hose and valves/nozzles checked.
  • Pressure test –  The equipment is filled with water presurised  and inspected for any leaks to test the integrity of the reel and hose. Maximum working pressure usually 12 bar so test pressure is typically 18 bar.
  • Flow test – The flow rate of the water delivered by the hose is tested with a flow meter to ensure that it delivers water at the required rate.
  • Maintenance – Client is advised if any repairs or maintenance is required. Our experienced engineers carry an extensive range of spare parts so wherever possible we can carry this work out immediately at a very competitive rate.
  • Service labels – Details of these tests are recorded on service labels and attached to the equipment as required.
  • Certificate of inspection – If required a certificate of inspection is completed and supplied to prove the fire hose reel has been tested by a competent person in line with BS-EN-671/3.
  • Tidy & clean – At the end of the service, the hose reel is cleaned and rewound. Part of our service is to aim to leave the site cleaner and tidier than when we arrived!

Get In Touch

If you would like to know more then do not hesitate to get in touch. call 0800 689 4034 or email to and you will receive a reply from one of our experts and a quote, if required, within 24 hours.

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